Saturday, 12 May 2012

Vegan Shoes

For my very special friend Michelle.
The Vegan Shoe !
You have come a long way baby!
you can get the shoes here

Organic Vegetables

Bell Peppers
Kale & Collards
Here are the top 5 vegetables you should buy organic.

Happy Eating!

Organic Fruits

Blue Berries

Are the top 5 fruits that you should be buying Organic.I was once told that the thinner the skin is on a fruit or vegetable the more important it is to buy organic, the pesticides can easily seep into the fruit.


Get Inspired 
Be inspiring 
You can do it, after all you are Brave, Strong, Beautiful and Clever.

Welcome Home Newlywed's

What a great way to welcome home a newly married couple from their honey moon!

For my Husband

My husband the greatest of dog lovers will enjoy this beautiful fella immensely .

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Baby Elephant

Doesn't this make you want to get a baby elephant well at least go to the beach!
Have a great weekend!
see the original article here

Monday, 23 April 2012

Vancouver Public Art

The very popular public art exhibit in English Bay will be a permanent collection.
I personally love this particular collection called the  A-maze-ing Laughter consists of 14  bronze statues, all in different poses of a shirtless guy laughing hysterically.